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Labor Day Edition: Prioritizing Your Mental Health on Labor Day

Labor Day Edition: Prioritizing Your Mental Health on Labor Day

Fri Sep 02 2022

Prioritizing Your Mental Health on Labor Day

Recent studies shows that the average American adult spend approximately 90,000 hours at a workplace in a lifetime. Work can be exhausting especially if work conditions are poor, this can lead to burnout, subpar job performance, stress, and eventually health issues. Health issues that can occur due to poor mental health caused by stress which include hypertension, diabetes, and several other heart conditions. Labor Day was created to prioritize workers and give them a break, that is why workers must prioritize rest and their mental health on such a day.

A mental health day can be taken on this day to de-stress and minimize commitment or responsibilities and it aids in preventing burnout. According to research carried out by the World Health Organization, anxiety and depressive disorders cost over a trillion dollars in lost productivity yearly. So, prioritizing one’s mental health, especially during the four-day weekend of travel might be the boost needed for better performance at work. Top 5 Ways to relax during this weekend include:

1. Getting a good night rest 2. Taking a long walk with someone you love 3. Unplugging from social media, TV & Phones 4. Reading a good novel 5. Attending a yoga class and outdoor activities.

Traveling, shopping, barbecuing, and attending rallies can be fun. However, during the Labor Day weekend, consider engaging in relaxing and fun activities that help boost your mental health. It is also important to remember that mental health should be a daily priority and not just for long weekend holidays.

If you need a psychiatrist, mental health nurse practitioner, or therapist in Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio, TX area, we offer both virtual and in-person appointments. Visit and contact us at https://www.lytepsych.com

Read more here: https://bit.ly/3KHEgEW

Sources: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Labor-Day https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/ss/slideshow-gaslighting-what-it-is-and-how-to-stop-it https://www.verywellmind.com/when-and-how-to-take-a-mental-health-day-3144754 https://www.ijoem.com/article.asp?issn=0973- 2284;year=2017;volume=21;issue=3;spage=99;epage=100;aulast=Naveen

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